Stillness In Motion


This program began as a seed of an idea while living on my floor immobilised  from a spinal cord compression injury.

It's incredibly exciting  to finally be sharing it with you!

At the beginning of what began this journey of chronic pain for me I spent several weeks lying on the floor unable to move anything but my hands and forearms. I could only tolerate being in one position supported by many props and couldn’t move my head a millimeter in any direction.  Only able to look at the ceiling I spent full days focused on experimenting with my breath and creating vibration through sounding with my mouth.

During this time, I realized how incredibly lucky I was.

Although the most physically and emotionally challenging times I had ever been through I had been studying the human body since I was a teenager. I understood what was going on in my body, I knew when and how it was OK to try moving, I knew who and when to reach out for treatment and I knew I was not going to be in this state forever.

About three weeks into this situation it was as though I were floating above myself watching it happen to somebody else and at the same time it was like somebody else inhabited my body and I was living the moment through them. For a brief moment, the fear I felt was paralyzing.

I know how strange this must sound but it’s truly what inspired this program, so I have to share!

In that instant I finally understood an aspect of what my clients were dealing with, why people are afraid to try anything for fear of causing damage.  If you don’t understand what’s going on in your body, it is absolutely terrifying.  It’s daunting to try anything because you’re worried about making things worse.  Right then I began to formulate the “Discover to Recover” program.  It became my life‘s mission to create a program that would:

  • Inspire you to learn about your own body
  • Guide you to embrace, listen & respond to your body’s signals
  • Empower you with the tools needed to help yourself
  • Motivate you to take your health into your own hands

It is now 10yrs later and I am finally launching that program. It took many years before my health stabilised and I gained enough function to sit at a computer and put thoughts to paper. It also took a decade of research to design a well-rounded program that suits a wide variety of issues and one I could feel proud about offering.

I want to assure you that everything in this program comes from years of research and over two decades of clinical practice.  There is nothing in this program I have not tried and tested in my own body many times over. This approach has given me my life back. Although I continue to live in chronic pain I’ve been able to get back to the work that I love to do as an Osteopath, get back to teaching and am able to enjoy spending time with friends and family without every moment feeling like torture. 

I can’t lie.  Every day is still a challenge and my life is entirely different than it was for the first 40 yrs.  But I wouldn't trade who and what this journey shaped me into.  I strongly believe in the body’s ability to heal and I have no doubt my health, and yours, will continue to evolve.

Rather than simply surviving, 

this program offers you the chance to live your life with joy.


Discover to Recover - Move From Pain to Potential

Shed the shackles of chronic pain.  

Learn the skills needed to LIVE life, rather than just SURVIVE it.  

In as little as 5 minutes a day this self-paced program will teach you the skills you need to live a life that is not dictated by pain.

I've done the research  and all the legwork for you

and put it together in an easy-to-use format.

I've listened to your stories, felt your pain and I am living it with you.

This program is designed with YOU in mind.

The Discover to Recover(DTR) program includes:

  • 52 guided practices
  • 3 full length movement classes (30-60 mins) in a mix  of styles (yoga, pilates & somatics)
  • 18 explorations (including PDF's)
  • 3 live online Q&A sessions (Each live session will begin and end with a guided practice)

Each Monday you will receive that week’s:

  • Movement Snacks (5 per week)
  • Pain care tips
  • Breath practice
  • Mindfulness and / or awareness practice

Revisit the practices and explorations as often or as little feels good to you.  The program offers a suggested pace but YOU are in charge and can tailor it to your needs and abilities.  

Once content is unlocked, you can go back to it as often as you like.

If you get through the week's practices and want to explore a little more, check out:

  • Journal prompt
  • Creativity exploration
  • Brain training exercise
  • The full length classes


  • Private Discover to Recover (DTR) Facebook group that is for members only
  • Sleep hygiene PDF
  • How to get moving in the morning ‘Motion is Lotion’ video
  • Toilet Spine Spirals Video

I will guide you through every step of the way with the goal of offering you the tools and the skills to ultimately trust your own instincts about what would be most helpful to you and when.